STEMCELL Technologies StemSpan™ T Cell Progenitor Maturation Supplement (10X)

Ref : 17169961

Supplement for the maturation of T cell progenitors to T cells

Type de cellule :
Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cells, T Cells
À utiliser avec (application) :
Cell Culture, Differentiation, Expansion
Quantité :
12.5 mL
STEMCELL Technologies

  • Use this two-step protocol to reproducibly expand thousands of CD4+CD8+ double-positive (DP) T cells in cultures initiated with CD34+ human cord blood (CB) cells
  • In step one, CD34+ CB cells are cultured for 14 days in medium containing expansion supplement to promote their proliferation and differentiation into CD7+CD5+ pro-T cells
  • In step two, pro-T cells generated during those first 14 days are cultured for another 4 weeks in medium containing maturation supplement to promote their maturation into DP cells
  • This product is serum- and feeder-free, which helps eliminate variation introduced by serum and stromal cell lines
  • An optional protocol is available to further mature DP cells to CD8 SP T cells
  • This extended protocol uses complete T cell progenitor maturation medium made with reagents included in the StemSpan™ T Cell Generation Kit and which must be combined with ImmunoCult™ CD3/CD28/CD2 T Cell Activator (Catalog #10970 or #10971) and IL-15 (Catalog #78031)

Type de cellule : Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cells, T Cells

À utiliser avec (application) : Cell Culture, Differentiation, Expansion

Quantité : 12.5 mL