Invitrogen™ Tempus™ AbsoluteRNA Wash Solution

Ref : 12694853

Total RNA DNase treatment

Contenu et stockage :
Store in freezer (-5° to -30°C).
Format :
Type de produit :
AbsoluteRNA Wash Solution
Quantité :
10 mL

This is an on-column, in protocol DNase treatment reagent for total RNA. Total RNA Chemistry allows rapid isolation of total RNA from various samples, including tissue-cultured cells, whole blood, and PBMC. The protocol is designed for use with the 6100 Nucleic Acid PrepStation and 6700 Automated Nucleic Acid Workstation. Total RNA Chemistry uses a unique formulation to effectively lyse cells. Lysis occurs almost immediately after cultured cells or homogenized tissues are mixed with lysis buffer. The reagent inactivates cellular RNases, preventing degradation of the isolated nucleic acid while keeping gDNA in the solution. This allows a separation of total RNA from gDNA and other cellular debris. The cellular lysate or tissue homogenate is then transferred to the total RNA purification tray, where it is passed through the tray under precisely controlled vacuum conditions.

DNA and RNA Purification and Analysis, RNA Extraction, Total RNA Isolation, Total RNA from Blood

Informations sur la commande

Shipping Condition: Dry ice

Contenu et stockage : Store in freezer (-5° to -30°C).

Format : Tube

Type de produit : AbsoluteRNA Wash Solution

Quantité : 10 mL