Applied Biosystems™ Connector Cables for Automated Thermal Cycler (ATC)

Ref : p-7246656
99.75€ - 178.00€

Used to connect the Automated Thermal Cycler (ATC) block to the power box, this connector is available in a rigid 10-cm, flexible 1-m, or flexible 3-m cable format.

À utiliser avec (équipement) :
Automated Thermal Cycler (ATC)
Type de produit :
Câble de connexion
Applied Biosystems™

Référence Prix Marque Add to cart
15602436 99.75€ - 178.00€ Applied Biosystems™
15612436 99.75€ - 178.00€ Applied Biosystems™

Used to connect the Automated Thermal Cycler (ATC) block to the power box, this connector is available in a rigid 10-cm, flexible 1-m, or flexible 3-m cable format.

For customers seeking to automate their PCR workflow, the Applied Biosystems Automated Thermal Cycler (ATC) provides the reliability and performance you've come to expect from Applied Biosystems instruments. Small, easy-to-integrate, with a compatible format, our Automated Thermal Cycler enables hands-free PCR results.

In order to better align with lab design and demands, a longer or shorter cable may be utilized to optimize workflow.

À utiliser avec (équipement) : Automated Thermal Cycler (ATC)

Type de produit : Câble de connexion