Novus Biologicals™ Vanilloid R1/TRPV1 Antibody Blocking Peptide

Ref : 18770814

Highly purified. Generating reliable and reproducible results. Applications: Antibody Competition

Gene ID (Entrez) :
Espèces :
Contenu et stockage :
Store at -20°C.
À utiliser avec (application) :
This Peptide is Useful as a Blocking Peptide for NB100-1617. For Further Blocking Peptide Related Protocol, Click Here .
Alias de gène :
Capsaicin receptor, Osm-9-like TRP channel 1, OTRPC1, transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 1, transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily V, member 1, transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 A, transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 b, TrpV1, Vanilloid receptor 1, vanilloid receptor subtype 1, VR1, VR1DKFZp434K0220
Symbole de gène(s) :
Novus Biologicals™

A blocking peptide (synthetic) from rat TRPV1. Amino Acid Sequence: RASLDSEESESPPQENSC The Vanilloid R1/TRPV1 Blocking Peptide has been validated for the following applications: Antibody Competition.

Gene ID (Entrez) : 7442

Espèces : Rat

Contenu et stockage : Store at -20°C.

À utiliser avec (application) : This Peptide is Useful as a Blocking Peptide for NB100-1617. For Further Blocking Peptide Related Protocol, Click Here .

Alias de gène : Capsaicin receptor, Osm-9-like TRP channel 1, OTRPC1, transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 1, transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily V, member 1, transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 A, transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 b, TrpV1, Vanilloid receptor 1, vanilloid receptor subtype 1, VR1, VR1DKFZp434K0220

Symbole de gène(s) : TRPV1

Poids moléculaire : M.W. (theoretical): 1.96 kDa

Type de produit : Vanilloid R1/TRPV1

Quantité : 0.1 mg

État réglementaire : RUO - research use only