Liebherr™ Performance High-Volume Upright Freezer for Professional Use

Ref: p-200089293
4490.00€ - 7580.00€

Freezer designed for general purpose applications that provides secure, long-lasting and energy-efficient freezer storage for non temperature-sensitive products.

Matériau de la hotte:
Chrome Nickel Steel

Référence Prix Marque Capacité Couleur Add to cart
30178697 4490.00€ - 7580.00€ Liebherr™ 486 L Stainless Steel
30178691 4490.00€ - 7580.00€ Liebherr™ 1096 L Stainless Steel
  • Professional upright freezer for general purpose storage, reach-in
  • Temperature range -9 to -26°C, Class L1
  • Climate class (energy directive): 5
  • Fan-assisted refrigeration system with automatic hot gas defrost. Stainless steel exterior and interior
  • Refrigerant R 290, connection rating 4.0 A, 220-240V/50/1-ph
  • Multifunctional digital controller with high resolution display and connectivity options
  • Self-closing doors with 90° dwell position and mechanical lock, 150 mm height-adjustable legs
  • 60 kg shelf load

Matériau de la hotte : Chrome Nickel Steel