Oxygen is necessary for aerobic life, it can also participate in potentially toxic reactions involving oxygen free radicals and transition metals such as iron that damage membranes, proteins, and nucleic acids. n a normal human cell, there is a steady accumulation of DNA lesions with time. Substantial parts of these lesions are due to endogenous factors that damage DNA. These include reactive oxygens pecies derived from oxidative respiration. Additionally, malignant cells can produce hydrogen peroxide at levels as high as those characteristics for stimulated polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Some tumors may stimulate the defense systems of the body so that they react against the tumor to produce cytokines. Some cytokines can produce large amounts of ROS. 8-OHdG is one of the most widely studied lesions of this type. The presenceof 8-OHdG residues in DNA leads to GC to TA transversion unless repairs are made before DNA replication. Therefore, the presence of 8-OHdG may lead to mutagenesis. Furthermore, many observations indicate a direct correlation between 8-OHdG formation and carcinogenesis in vivo. It is generally accepted that the repair products of cellular DNA, for example 8-OHdG, are excreted into the urine without further metabolism. Therefore, 8-OHdG has been proposed as a urinary biomarker for in vivo oxidative DNA lesions.
Plage de dosage : 1.56 to 100 ng/mL
Sensibilité du dosage : 0.94 ng/mL
Conjugué : HRP
Type de produit : ELISA
Type d’échantillon : Serum
À utiliser avec (équipement) : Colorimetric Microplate Reader
Coefficient de variation inter-dosage : <10%
Coefficient de variation intra-dosage : <10%
Contenus des kits : Pre-coated 96 well plate, Standard, Biotinylated Detection Antibody, HRP Conjugate, Standard & Sample Diluent, Biotinylated Detection Antibody Diluent, HRP Conjugate Diluent, Wash Buffer, TMB Substrate, Stop Solution, Plate Sealer
Marqueur ou colorant : HRP
Quantité : 96 Tests
État réglementaire : RUO
Volume d’échantillon : 50 µL
Conditions de stockage : Refer to product documentation for component specific storage temperature.
Cible : All
Heure du test : 1 hr 20 min
Durée totale du dosage : 3 hr 30 min