Brema™ Ice Flake Maker

Ref : p-7203438
4372.50€ - 5909.50€

Brema™ Ice Flake Makers can be easily installed practically anywhere in the lab or a range of other working environments to produce flaked and granular ice 80 to 82% dry.

Température ambiante (métrique) :
Jusqu'à 43°C
Type de produit :
Floconneuse à glace

Référence Prix Marque Add to cart
15944788 4372.50€ - 5909.50€ Brema™
15934788 4372.50€ - 5909.50€ Brema™
15924788 4372.50€ - 5909.50€ Brema™
15904788 4372.50€ - 5909.50€ Brema™
15994778 4372.50€ - 5909.50€ Brema™
15984778 4372.50€ - 5909.50€ Brema™
15974778 4372.50€ - 5909.50€ Brema™
15964778 4372.50€ - 5909.50€ Brema™
15996215 4372.50€ - 5909.50€ Brema™
15914788 4372.50€ - 5909.50€ Brema™
  • Granular system technology using a combination of an auger and an ice breaker to generate flakes and grains with irregular shapes
  • Range of models available to produce up to 153 kg/day with up to 55 kg bin storage capacity
  • Air-cooled or water cooled options
  • 1 L of water generates 1 kg of ice (air cooled)
  • Stainless steel with Scotch Brite™ finish
  • Fitted with removable and cleanable air filter
  • Easily cleaned internal rounded edges
  • Insulated slide-up disappearing door
  • High ambient operation up to 43°C
  • Adjustable feet
  • CFC-free refrigerants

Température ambiante (métrique) : Jusqu'à 43°C

Type de produit : Floconneuse à glace

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