Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ SILAC Protein Quantitation Kits

Ref : p-4531962
652.00€ - 661.50€

Analyze protein expression by mass spectrometry using stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell culture (SILAC) using these complete reagent kits.

Suffisant pour :
One complete SILAC experiment (stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell culture)
Quantité :
1 Use Kit
À utiliser avec (application) :
SILAC experiments (stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell culture)
Thermo Scientific™

Référence Prix Marque Quantité Add to cart
10220204 652.00€ - 661.50€ Thermo Scientific™ 1 Use Kit
11688833 652.00€ - 661.50€ Thermo Scientific™ 1 Use Kit

Thermo Scientific™ SILAC Protein Quantitation Kits are used for the specific analysis of protein expression by mass spectrometry using stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell culture (SILAC).

SILAC is a powerful method to identify and quantify relative differential changes in complex protein samples. This approach entails the in vivo metabolic incorporation of heavy 13C- or 15N-labeled amino acids into proteins followed by mass spectrometry (MS) for the accelerated and comprehensive identification, characterization and quantitation of proteins.


  • Efficient – 100% label incorporation into proteins of living cells

  • Reproducible – eliminates intra-experimental variability caused by differential sample preparation

  • Flexible – media deficient in both L-lysine and L-arginine, allowing for more complete proteome coverage through dual amino acid isotope labeling

  • Compatible – label proteins expressed in a wide variety of mammalian cell lines adapted to grow in DMEM, RPMI-1640 or DMEM:F12 medium, including HeLa, 293T, COS7, U2OS, A549, A431, HepG2, NIH 3T3, Jurkat and others

  • Optimized, specialized media – the Expansion DMEM and Low-Osmolarity DMEM are specifically designed and qualified for mouse embryonic stem cell propagation and SILAC protein expression profiling with mass spectrometry

  • High-quality supplements – heavy amino acids with >99% isotope purity; the Stem Cell Screened Dialyzed FBS and Serum Substitute for Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells are tested to ensure that they do not promote stem cell differentiation

Recommended for:

Quantitative analysis of relative changes in protein abundance from different cell treatments; Quantitative analysis of proteins for which there are no antibodies available; Protein expression profiling of normal vs. disease cells; Identification and quantification of hundreds to thousands of proteins in a single experiment

Suffisant pour : One complete SILAC experiment (stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell culture)

Quantité : 1 Use Kit

À utiliser avec (application) : SILAC experiments (stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell culture)