Cytiva Protein G Antibody Package Affinity Columns for Antibody Purification

Ref : 15363224

Protein G is a good choice for the general purpose capture of antibodies at the laboratory scale

À utiliser avec (application) :
Antibody affinity chromatography
Contenu et stockage :
2°C to 8°C
Quantité :
Complete packsize

Protein G is a good choice for the general purpose capture of antibodies at the laboratory scale since it binds a broader range of IgG from eukaryotic species and binds more classes of IgG than protein A. Contents: HiTrap Protein G HP (1 x 1mL) and HiTrap Desalting (1 x 5mL)

À utiliser avec (application) : Antibody affinity chromatography

Contenu et stockage : 2°C to 8°C

Quantité : Complete packsize