Ansell™ AlphaTec™ 4000 AVANT2 AIRline Ultrasonically Welded and Taped G02

Ref : 17190795


AlphaTec™ 4000 AVANT2 AIRline Ultrasonically welded and taped G02 is affixed by the wearer and detachable for reuse when appropriate. The air flow is adjustable from 340 L/min to 590 L/min at a working pressure of 3.5 to 5 bar.

Affixed by the wearer and detachable for reuse.

  • The air flow is adjustable from 340 L/min to 590 L/min at a working pressure of 3.5 to 5 bar.
  • Exceptional protection, over 200 chemicals permeation tested, including chemical warfare agents
  • Panoramic visor design ensures a good field of vision for the wearer
  • A range of sleeve options available, including double cuffs and permanently attached chemical protective gloves.
  • HEPA filter provides secondary protection from airline contamination and a SMC silencer ensures the noise inside the suit is always below 70 dB (even at maximum airflow)
  • Exhalation valves fitted to the rear of the suit allows C0to escape and equalises pressure within the suit, allowing for a full range of movement without risk of excessive pressure causing harm to the suit or the wearer
  • Emergency rip cord permits rapid doffing of the suit in cases of emergency or undue distress to the wearer
  • Socks are designed to be worn inside chemical protective boots with the leg overflap worn outside to reduce the potential for chemical ingress