Applied Biosystems™ VetMAX™ Xeno™ Internal Positive Control DNA

Ref : p-7180677
99.00€ - 464.00€

VetMAX™ Xeno™ Internal Positive Control (IPC) DNA serves as an internal positive control for the DNA purification process and helps monitor for the presence of PCR inhibitors in animal health molecular detection workflows. This is of particular importance when working with sample types that have a high level of inhibitors such as feces.

Format :
À utiliser avec (application) :
Detection and Identification of Animal Disease
Comprend :
Internal Positive Control
Gamme de produits :
VetMAX™, Xeno™
Type de produit :
Internal Positive Control DNA
Conditions d’expédition :
Dry Ice
Applied Biosystems™

Référence Prix Marque Add to cart
30057780 99.00€ - 464.00€ Applied Biosystems™
30057795 99.00€ - 464.00€ Applied Biosystems™

Xeno IPC DNA is introduced at the nucleic acid isolation/preparation step and carried through the animal health qPCR workflow.

Features of VetMAX Xeno IPC DNA include:

  • Provides confidence that qPCR test results are accurate and actionable
  • Easily integrates into any workflow
  • Greatly reduces the likelihood of false negatives

VetMAX Xeno IPC DNA comes in a concentration of 10,000 copies/μL and easily integrates into animal health PCR workflows, regardless of the target assay, master mix, or sample preparation reagents already in place. Coupled with a Xeno internal positive control assay, our proprietary design offers a verification layer to help ensure the PCR test results are accurate and actionable by greatly reducing the likelihood of false negatives.

Xeno IPC DNA is a component of our licensed VetMAX Gold detection kits, recommended in the American Association of Veterinary Diagnosticians guidelines, and has been successfully benchmarked against millions of genomes including those relevant to animal health. Xeno IPC RNA is also available (Cat. No. A29761).

Format : Kit

À utiliser avec (application) : Detection and Identification of Animal Disease

Comprend : Internal Positive Control

Gamme de produits : VetMAX™, Xeno™

Type de produit : Internal Positive Control DNA

Conditions d’expédition : Dry Ice

Espèces : Not Species-Specific