STEMCELL Technologies Troglitazone

Ref : p-7217415
sur devis - 95.85€

NF-kB pathway inhibitor; Activates PPARγ

Formule moléculaire :
Pureté :
STEMCELL Technologies

Référence Prix Marque Quantité Add to cart
17190282 sur devis - 95.85€ STEMCELL Technologies 5 mg
17100292 sur devis - 95.85€ STEMCELL Technologies 10 mg
  • Troglitazone is a potent and selective activator of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ (PPARγ) with EC50 = 0.55 and 0.78 μM for human and mouse, respectively
  • Troglitazone does not inhibit PPARα or PPARδ at up to 10 μM (Willson et al.) Troglitazone causes cell cycle arrest at phase G1, inducing caspase-dependent apoptosis in both HeLa and hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines (Yoshizawa et al.; Chang et al.)

CAS : 97322-87-7

Formule moléculaire : C24H27NSO5

Pureté : ≥98%