Applied Biosystems™ TaqMan™ Universal Extraction Control Organism

Ref: 18495412

The TaqMan Universal Extraction Control Organism contains three vials of lyophilized Bacillus atrophaeus for use as a process control for cell lysis and nucleic acid recovery. This control is used with the proprietary TaqMan assay for Bacillus atrophaeus (Assay ID Ba06596576_s1).

Contenu et stockage:
3 vials containing lyophilized Bacillus atrophaeus.<br><br>Store at 4&deg;C.
Méthode de détection:
Gamme de produits:
3 pellets
Conditions d’expédition:
Room temperature
Applied Biosystems&trade;

The TaqMan Universal Extraction Control Organism control is used with the proprietary TaqMan assay for Bacillus atrophaeus (Assay ID Ba06596576_s1). Like other gram-positive bacteria, Bacillus atrophaeus has thick cell walls than can be difficult to lyse. This characteristic makes gram-positive bacteria an ideal control to monitor the efficiency of cell lysis and subsequent nucleic acid recovery.

TaqMan Universal Extraction Control Organism is supplied lyophilized in a quantity of 1 × 109 copies/vial and is reconstituted in 200 μL of 1X PBS, pH 7.4 to a final concentration 5 × 16 copies/μL. During nucleic acid isolation, 10 μL of the control is processed as a stand-alone sample in a background of universal transport media. It can be added to the negative extraction control, and may also be added to one or more test samples at the start of the extraction process. The control is carried through the remainder of the workflow with the test samples. It is recommended that at least one stand-alone control sample is run per extraction plate.

Contenu et stockage : 3 vials containing lyophilized Bacillus atrophaeus.

Store at 4°C.

Méthode de détection : Primer-probe

Format : Vial

Gamme de produits : TaqMan

Quantité : 3 pellets

Conditions d’expédition : Room temperature

À utiliser avec (application) : Pathogen Detection

Concentration : 1 x 109 copies/vial

Nbre de réactions : 60 Reactions