MP Biomedicals™ SPINeasy™ DNA/RNA Kit for Soil

Ref: 30281216

Simultaneous isolation of microbial DNA and RNA from various soil samples. Inhibitor removal technology extracts nucleic acids free of most notorious PCR inhibitors. Lysing Matrix YB tubes provide efficient and reproducible sample lysis with FastPrep instruments.

Contenu et stockage:
Store at Room Temperature, Dry Environment
Isolation Technology:
Spin Column
Equilibration buffer (24 mL), Lysing Matrix YB (50 ea), Buffer SDR1A (18 mL), Buffer SDR1B (36 mL), Buffer SDR2 (24 mL), Buffer SDR3 (45 mL), Buffer SDR4 (45 mL), Buffer SDR5 (90 mL), Buffer SDR6 (150 mL), RNase Free Water (15 mL), DNA Column (50 ea), RNA Column (50 ea), 2 mL Microcentrifuge Tubes (100 ea), DNA Collection Tubes (250 ea), RNA Collection Tubes (150 ea), DNA Elution Tubes (50 ea), RNA Elution Tubes (50 ea)
50 Preps
MP Biomedicals™

  • The SPINeasy DNA/RNA Kit for Soil integrates our proprietary inhibitor removal and spin column technology for selective binding of DNA (blue column) and RNA (white column) from a single soil sample.
  • Humic acids, heavy metals, and other aromatic components are among the most notorious PCR inhibitors found in soil samples, leading to false negative or inaccurate results.
  • Non‐optimized nucleic acid extraction protocols often co‐purify inhibitors.
  • The SPINeasy DNA/RNA Kit for Soil allows for fast and simultaneous isolation of pure microbial genomic DNA and RNA from challenging soil samples, including those with low biomass or those that are highly contaminated.
  • The extracted nucleic acids lack contaminants and are suitable for use in downstream applications, such as qPCR, RT-qPCR, and sequencing, without the need for further inhibitor removal steps.

Contenu et stockage : Store at Room Temperature, Dry Environment

Isolation Technology : Spin Column

Comprend : Equilibration buffer (24 mL), Lysing Matrix YB (50 ea), Buffer SDR1A (18 mL), Buffer SDR1B (36 mL), Buffer SDR2 (24 mL), Buffer SDR3 (45 mL), Buffer SDR4 (45 mL), Buffer SDR5 (90 mL), Buffer SDR6 (150 mL), RNase Free Water (15 mL), DNA Column (50 ea), RNA Column (50 ea), 2 mL Microcentrifuge Tubes (100 ea), DNA Collection Tubes (250 ea), RNA Collection Tubes (150 ea), DNA Elution Tubes (50 ea), RNA Elution Tubes (50 ea)

Quantité : 50 Preps