MP Biomedicals™ SPINeasy™ DNA Kit for Water

Ref: 30281215

Specifically designed for the isolation of microbial DNA from various water samples. Fast and easy extraction of gDNA in less than 30 minutes. Supplied with filter membranes and Lysing matrix tubes to capture and concentrate microbes and efficiently homogenize in using a FastPrep instrument.

Contenu et stockage:
Store at Room Temperature, Dry Environment
Isolation Technology:
Spin Column
Type d’échantillon:
Water Samples
50 x 5 mL Lysing Matrix E, 60 mL Lysis Buffer W1, 8 mL Lysis Buffer W2, 550 µL RNase A Solution, 15 mL Inhibitor Removal W, 30 mL Binding Buffer W, 9 mL Wash Buffer W1, 6 mL Wash Buffer W2, 10 mL DES Buffer, 50 x Filter Membrane, 50 x Column W1, 50 x 2.0 mL Collection Tubes, 50 x 1.5 mL Collection Tubes
50 Preps
MP Biomedicals™

  • SPINeasy DNA Kit for Water is a high-performance water genomic DNA extraction kit based on silica membrane spin column technology.
  • The kit has been specifically designed to concentrate microbes present in water samples by filtration and transfer to a Lysing Matrix tube (4.5 mL) for the best extraction of microbial gDNA from water in less than 30 min.
  • Water samples are processed using our uniquely formulated Lysis Buffer W1 and Lysing Matrix E to effectively lyse various types of microbial cells, including bacteria, fungi, virus, and protozoans.
  • Column W1 (provided with the kit) has high binding capacity and selectivity for gDNA.
  • The combination of components in the kit helps extract microbial gDNA of high yield and purity that is ready for downstream applications, such as restriction digestion, PCR, and NGS.

Contenu et stockage : Store at Room Temperature, Dry Environment

Isolation Technology : Spin Column

Type d’échantillon : Water Samples

Comprend : 50 x 5 mL Lysing Matrix E, 60 mL Lysis Buffer W1, 8 mL Lysis Buffer W2, 550 µL RNase A Solution, 15 mL Inhibitor Removal W, 30 mL Binding Buffer W, 9 mL Wash Buffer W1, 6 mL Wash Buffer W2, 10 mL DES Buffer, 50 x Filter Membrane, 50 x Column W1, 50 x 2.0 mL Collection Tubes, 50 x 1.5 mL Collection Tubes

Quantité : 50 Preps