Invitrogen™ Human beta-2 Defensin ELISA Development Kit (TMB), PeproTech®

Ref: 17808965


Numéro d’adhésion:
Plage de dosage:
Type de produit:
À utiliser avec (équipement):
Colorimetric Microplate Reader
Identification génétique (Entrez):

Defensins (alpha and beta) are cationic peptides with a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity that comprise an important arm of the innate immune system. The alpha-defensins are distinguished from the beta-defensins by the pairing of their three disulfide bonds. To date, six human beta-defensins have been identified; BD-1, BD-2, BD-3, BD-4, BD-5 and BD-6. beta-defensins are expressed on some leukocytes and at epithelial surfaces. In addition to their direct antimicrobial activities, they can act as chemoattractants towards immature dendritic cells and memory T cells. The beta-defensin proteins are expressed as the C-terminal portion of precursors, and are released by proteolytic cleavage of a signal sequence and, in some cases, a propeptide sequence. Beta-defensins contain a six-cysteine motif that forms three intra-molecular disulfide bonds.

Numéro d’adhésion : O15263

Plage de dosage : Lot-specific

Conjugué : HRP

Type de produit : ELISA

À utiliser avec (équipement) : Colorimetric Microplate Reader

Identification génétique (Entrez) : 1673

Symbole de gène(s) : DEFB4A

Contenus des kits : Capture Antibody, Detection Antibody, Protein Standard, HRP-conjugate

Quantité : 10 x 96 tests

État réglementaire : RUO

Conditions de stockage : Refer to product documentation for component specific storage temperature.

Cible : beta-2 Defensin

Heure du test : 1 hrs 45 mins

Durée totale du dosage : 24 hrs 30 mins