STEMCELL Technologies TeSR™-E8™3D

Ref : 17158211

Animal component-free suspension culture medium for human ES and iPS cells

Type de cellule :
Pluripotent Stem Cells
À utiliser avec (application) :
Cell Culture, Expansion
Quantité :
1 Kit
STEMCELL Technologies

  • TeSR™-E8™3D is an animal component-free culture medium developed for the expansion and scale-up of undifferentiated human embryonic stem (ES) and induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells as aggregates in 3D suspension culture
  • Based on TeSR™-E8™, TeSR™-E8™3D is a low-protein medium with an optimized protocol for scaling up human ES and iPS cell production in suspension culture
  • The novel fed-batch workflow saves time and media; daily feeds replenish nutrients and eliminate the need for medium exchanges on non-passaging days
  • TeSR™-E8™3D is made with the highest level of quality and care
  • It contains only the essential components required for scale-up of ES and iPS cells
  • The TeSR™-E8™3D system is compatible with cells previously cultured in mTeSR™1 or TeSR™-E8™ on Corning™ Matrigel™ hESC-Qualified Matrix (Corning Catalog #354277) or Vitronectin XF™ (Catalog #07180, a matrix developed and manufactured by Nucleus Biologics), and is compatible with a range of suspension culture vessels

Type de cellule : Pluripotent Stem Cells

À utiliser avec (application) : Cell Culture, Expansion

Quantité : 1 Kit