R&D Systems™ Cultrex 3-D Culture Matrix RGF Basement Membrane Extract

Ref : p-4788191
99.35€ - 590.70€

Applications: Bioactivity

Contenu et stockage :
Product is stable for a minimum of 3 months from date of shipment when stored at -20° C in a manual defrost freezer. For optimal stability, store at -80° C. Avoid freeze-thaw cycles.
Concentration :
14 to 16 mg/mL
Niveau d’endotoxines :
À utiliser avec (application) :
Source :
Murine Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm (EHS) tumor.
R&D Systems™

Référence Prix Marque Quantité Add to cart
18462020 99.35€ - 590.70€ R&D Systems™ 5 mL
18462400 99.35€ - 590.70€ R&D Systems™ 2 x 5 mL
18481270 99.35€ - 590.70€ R&D Systems™ 1 mL
Functional assays: Tube formation assay - BME promotes formation of capillary-like structures by human (HBMVEC; HUVEC) or mouse (SVEC4-10) endothelial cells. 3D Culture - Basement Membrane Extract promotes differentiation of a human epithelial cell line derived from mammary gland (MCF-10A) or human prostate (PC-3) into acinar structures. Gelling assay: BME gels in less than 30 minutes at 37degreesC, and maintains the gelled form in culture medium for a minimum of 14 days at 37degreesC.

Contenu et stockage : Product is stable for a minimum of 3 months from date of shipment when stored at -20° C in a manual defrost freezer. For optimal stability, store at -80° C. Avoid freeze-thaw cycles.

Concentration : 14 to 16 mg/mL

Niveau d’endotoxines : ≤8EU/mL

À utiliser avec (application) : Bioactivity

Source : Murine Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm (EHS) tumor.